

Extender is a tasty pelleted food from natural ingredients. It's great in the rough feed substitute or supplement with many advantages!


  • Improves rumen function, as a result the herd is healthier and more productive
  • Contains molasses, which makes it taste good for both cows and calves
  • Is safe even when taken in large amounts. Can be used in unlimited quantities, without harming the rumen (risk of acidosis)
  • Constant parameters provide high and stable milk yield
  • Replaces hay, corn silage and beet pulp
  • High NDF digestibility
  • It has high protein content - the most expensive fodder component
  • It works great in every phase of lactation as well as before giving birth (without the risk of postpartum sleepiness)
  • It improves health and prepares the rumen for high production demands
  • Increases dry matter intake during breastfeeding - and the more consumption, the more milk!
  • It has constant parameters that ensure stable lactation

Application method:

  • The mixture is intended for supplementing the basic feed base.
  • The energy source is easily digestible dietary fiber (DIG NDF).
  • Approved for feeding cows, calves, sheep and goats.
  • When feeding dairy cows, the optimal dose is 3-5 kg. Use only as intended.
  • Store the mixture in a clean, dry container/storage, under conditions that protect against its damage and contamination.

Analytical components:

  • Crude protein 14.03% 
  • Crude fat 2.18%
  • Total fiber 20.35% 
  • Chaff 5.98%
  • Lysine 0.67% 
  • Methionine 0.18%
  • Calcium 0.39% 
  • Phosphorus 0.52%
  • Sodium 0.36% 
  • Magnesium 0.31%

The composition:

Non-GMO soybean hulls, wheat bran, rye bran, beet pulp dried (from sugar beet) molasses without GMO, beet molasses (from beet sugar) Non-GMO, Non-GMO Rapeseed Extract Flour, Non-GMO Vinase (Condensed Soluble Molasses), Non-GMO Sodium Chloride, Sprouted Malt. Antipollution substances in feed: mycotoxins-aflatoxin B1: 1m558 bentonite 658.0 mg/kg *


Substances that reduce feed contamination with mycotoxins - aflatoxin B1: 1m558 bentonite 658.0 mg*, Binders and anti-caking agents: 1g568 Clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin 3.0 mg

* Oral use at the same time as macrolides is contraindicated.

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